1. The Power of Forgiveness

    Submitted by ashar260 on
    By Alina Bozhko

    “Forgive and forget”: one of the most commonly used phrases when describing a situation where one has been wronged. To some, it seems easier to move on with their lives instead of holding onto a bitter grudge against an aggressor. However, to many, forgiveness does not come so easily. When one has been wronged, forgiveness can seem almost impossible. Many wish to avenge themselves and cannot let go of their anger. Although this view is understandable, forgiveness is an extremely important activity that can benefit the forgiver.

  2. The Uses of Anger*

    Submitted by ashar260 on
    By Brekken Cogswell

    When people feel angry, our bodies react in certain ways. Each person reacts to anger differently. This could entail a racing heart, a tight stomach, and quickened breathing. A common anger response is blood rushing to the face resulting in a hot sensation, but the physical appearance of such a phenomena varies greatly between individuals. Culturally, anger is expressed and characterized in greatly different ways. From country to country, one reaction may be considered justified while the same reaction may incite a negative reaction.