Homeless Outreach

Home / About Homeless Outreach

Humanity 101® In Action

We consider our Homeless Outreach Sorting Fridays and Service Saturdays examples of Humanity 101 in Action, where intergenerational, multi-professional, and multi-communal individuals, groups, and organizations join us to distribute shoes, clothing, and toiletries to unhoused community members. Our focus and goal is to extend humanity through service to individuals most denied fundamental dignity through respect, kindness, compassion, and empathy. 

Since our inception in 2011, thousands of volunteers have joined together to serve community members. In this process, many volunteers have reported experiencing deep self-reflection and critical reflection on class, race, gender, age, sexuality, ability, mental health, wellness, suffering, loss, and humility.


Sorting Fridays

Project Humanities has ongoing needs to restock donations. Every Friday, volunteers meet to sort donations and label clothing and shoes for distribution on Saturday to our clients experiencing homelessness. This is the best day to drop-off your donations of clothing, shoes, toileteries. No advance sign-up is required for individuals. Organizations and groups of 10 or more are asked to contact Project Humanities by email.

Days & Times: Fridays 2:00-4:00 PM AZT

Location: ASU Community Services Building

Instructions to reach:

  1. Drive to street address: ASU Community Services Building (CSB), 200 E Curry Rd, Tempe, AZ 85281.
  2. The building (with 3 flags visible from downtown Tempe) sits atop hill, so drive up to the top.
  3. At top, bear right to arrive behind building and enter through double glass doors.

Street Address: 200 E. Curry Rd., Tempe, AZ 85281

Service Saturdays

Our Service Saturdays happen every third Saturday morning (once a month) in Phoenix where volunteers serve people experiencing homelessness as personal shoppers to distribute clothing, shoes, and toiletries. No advance sign-up is required for individuals. Organizations and groups of 10 or more are asked to contact Project Humanities by email.

Days & Times: Saturdays from 6:30 AM to 8:30 AM AZT **

Location: Keys to Change Campus

Street Address: 1206 W. Madison St, Phoenix, AZ 85007

Please note! You will need to email us for the required parking code PRIOR to Saturday.

Please read carefully our instructions on where to park and how to get to the service area. To receive your required parking code access, please email us in advance of your volunteer day.

** Please arrive at 6:15 am to walk over to distribution site with group at 6:20 am.



Project Humanities Service Saturdays

6:30 A.M. - 8:30 A.M.

*Arrive by 6:15 A.M. to walk over with the group at 6:20 A.M.

Project Humanities Sorting Fridays

2:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Service Saturdays Timeline 2024










Donate new or gently used adult clothing, shoes, accessories, and toiletries. Donate new toiletries using our Amazon Wish List. Volunteer for Sorting Fridays and/or Service Saturdays. Simply show up at any service day, and feel free to bring family and friends! There is no RSVP or registration required. However, you will need to email our office projecthumanities@asu.edu in advance for the required Saturday parking code. To connect with volunteers and the team, join our Project Humanities Service Saturday Facebook private group.

We welcome local and visiting organizations at our sorting and service days. For groups larger than 10, please email Dr. Neal Lester through projecthumanities@asu.edu for advance volunteer arrangements.

You will help distribute clothing and other items to the 150-200 unhoused adults who attend our outreach days. This could also include set-up and organization of tables for donations, interacting with the clients we serve, and generally offering support to ensure the service day runs smoothly.

We accept adult clothing, shoes, accessories, and toiletries. Our outreach does not service children and only accepts the above referenced donations. Seasonal clothing is especially helpful, such as coats, gloves, and jackets during the winter months. We accept both men’s and women’s clothing, but usually encounter shortages of men’s items most often. We also have an ongoing Amazon Wishlist for toiletries.

Donations are accepted at three locations in the preferred order:

1. Warehouse/ ASU Community Services Building

  • Location: 200 East Curry Road, Tempe. Bear right to arrive at the  back of the building and through glass double doors. Atop drive with 3 flags raised.
  • Hours: Friday, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

2. Bring donations directly to any Service Saturday at the Human Services Campus

  • Location: 12th Ave. and Jefferson
  • Hours: Every other Saturday, 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM, every other Saturday

3. Project Humanities Office

  • Location: Discovery Hall 112, 250 E Lemon St, Tempe, AZ 85287
  • Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Please call 480-727-7030 in advance to arrange a drop-off time

We do! We welcome high school and undergraduate college students to apply for our internships. Interns may choose a focus on our Homeless Outreach exclusively or as part of intern responsibilities. For more information, see our Student Opportunities page.


Unhoused people served 2011-24


Service volunteers 2011-24


Service hours volunteered 

Ways to Support


We accept gently used and new adult seasonal clothing, shoes, accessories, and toiletries. It is preferred that donations are dropped off during Friday Sorting at the ASU Community Services Building. Please see our FAQs for items accepted and more information regarding drop-offs. You can also donate through our Amazon Wishlist.


Volunteer at our ongoing Sorting Fridays and/or Service Saturdays. Individuals, families, organizations and groups are welcomed. Read on for more details.


Connect with past and present volunteers and news updates on our Project Humanities Service Saturdays Facebook private group.