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Project Humanities Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary
Message from the Director
For some, 10 years is not a big deal. It’s a moment in time in the big scheme of things that matter. For others and for us, 10 years is an important marker of our efforts to bring individuals and communities together to talk, listen, and connect. As 2021 marks hundreds of Project Humanities past activities, events, and programs, it is also an opportunity to thank our many volunteers, interns, staff, student workers, faculty colleagues, and community partners who have in any way supported us. This journey to demystify humanities and to demonstrate humanities in action has made us a leader in local and national conversations about myriad issues that are important to so many individuals across communities.
As we celebrate our accomplishments and our evolution since 2011, we also take stock of what the next two, five, and ten years might look like for us as a multiple award-winning university initiative. Whatever we have been and whatever we now imagine ourselves to be, we know that our successes reflection all of you in one way or another.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Neal Lester, PhD