Hacks for Humanity

Hacks for Humanity

Hacks for Humanity 2022 : Event at a Glance

What is Hacks for Humanity?

Hacks for Humanity: Hacking for the Social Good is a global, virtual 36-hour interdisciplinary, entrepreneurial marathon that challenges participants to create technical solutions for the social good.

Unlike many "hacking" events, Hacks for Humanity encourages participation from people of all skill sets: activists, artists, entrepreneurs, educators, scientists, social workers, along with each and every person in between. When these diverse perspectives come together, innovation is the exciting result. 

$10,000 worth of cash prizes.

  • First Place: $1000 per team member

  • Second Place: $500 per team member

  • Third Place: $300 per team member

  • Best Website: $100 per team member

  • Most Helpful: $400, individual prize


1951 @ Skysong

1475 N. Scottsdale Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 85257

collage of 1951 at skysong


Free uncovered parking is available onsite. Surface parking in the lot north of Building 1 is unlimited. Between SkySong Building 1 and 2 there is two hour parking. Reference this map for available parking.

Skysong Innovation Center Building One

2022 Tracks

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Civic Engagement

Research and lived experience show that voting, belonging to an organization, and volunteering can positively impact an individual’s physical and mental health for the individual. Yet participation in these activities fluctuates and differs widely among societies across the globe.

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Environmental Justice

Environmental crises don’t discriminate. In fact, everyone will someday feel the effects of climate change, plastic-filled oceans, and polluted air. Yet the rate and severity of these effects are not distributed equally. Like so much else, marginalized communities do and will continue to suffer sooner and more than privileged communities.

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Aging and Wellbeing

If we’re lucky, we get the opportunity to age. But simply reaching a certain age doesn’t ensure well-being, dignity, or a better quality of life. What ways can we support people across all communities and stages of life as they grow older?


logo for state farm
ASU_J. Orin Edson Entrepreneurship + Innovation  Institute_1_Horiz_RGB_MaroonGold_150ppi – Hacks for Humanity Partner to Protect Arizona: A Threat Hunting Unconference | University  Technology Office

JDT Family Foundation

Jenny Norton & Bob Ramsey



Human Rights at Arizona State University

Bill & Mary Glover